How to Overcome a Gambling Addiction


Gambling is an activity in which people risk something of value, such as money or possessions, on an event whose outcome is uncertain. It is possible to win more than what you risk, but the overwhelming majority of gamblers lose. Some people gamble to have fun, while others do it as a way to relieve boredom or stress. In addition to the risks of gambling, it is important to remember that this is a very addictive activity, and many people who start gambling develop problems.

A person is considered to have a gambling problem when they gamble excessively and find it difficult or impossible to control their gambling. The condition is so serious that it can interfere with a person’s life and relationships. It is also a leading cause of financial distress, and it has been linked to thoughts of suicide. If you are struggling with gambling problems, there is help available. You may benefit from inpatient or residential treatment and rehab programs. These are aimed at those with severe gambling addictions and who cannot avoid gambling without round-the-clock support.

People with mental health problems are more at risk of developing a gambling addiction, as are people who have a history of substance abuse or family dysfunction. Many gambling addictions stem from a lack of self-control and poor decision making, which can lead to financial crises and problems with work and family. It is also common for those with a gambling problem to attempt to escape unpleasant feelings by gambling, such as depression or anxiety. If you have a mental health problem and are gambling, speak to your therapist about it.

If you have a loved one who suffers from a gambling addiction, it can be very stressful for the entire family. You may feel like you are alone in coping with this problem, but there is a large community of people who have dealt with this issue and overcome it. There are a number of ways you can help your loved one, including setting boundaries around finances and encouraging them to seek professional help.

The most difficult step in overcoming a gambling addiction is admitting that you have a problem. This can be especially hard for those who have lost a lot of money and strained or broken relationships as a result of their gambling. However, it is essential to take this step. Once you acknowledge the problem, you can begin to address it and rebuild your life.

A therapist can teach you skills to manage your gambling habits and improve your decision-making abilities. They can also help you to find healthier ways to cope with unpleasant emotions, such as boredom or stress. This might include exercising, spending time with friends who do not gamble, or trying new hobbies. You might also consider joining a gambling support group, such as Gamblers Anonymous, which follows the 12-step recovery model of Alcoholics Anonymous. There are also online resources available that can match you with a trained therapist, such as StepChange.